About us
We are a Christian ministry based in Decatur, Georgia, dedicated to the freedom of persons bound by same-sex attraction and other life-altering decisions that keep them from living the victorious christian life.
We also challenge other christians to reach out to those persons in their congregations who are struggling with these issues. We offer support, love, encouragement, and prayer to persons desiring freedom in Christ. Our goal is to engage, educate, raise consciousness and awareness, to provoke thought and to raise questions. There are many people walking a dangerous line trying to exist in two worlds at once. We want to help communicate the message: What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (Romans 6:1-2) Speak the truth in love. We are available to speak to your class or group. Please feel free to contact us! The addresses are listed on the contact page.