Mighty Through God

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For Parents

The action parents take when they find that their loved one has chosen the homosexual lifestyle is very important. It is important not to panic, not to begin blaming yourself, and not to sever the relationship with your son or daughter. If you are a Christian, the first thing to do is pray, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Sexuality is a ripe place for spiritual battles. You are not going to win this battle by arguing, by pointing fingers or by going into depression. The Bible tells us to cast our cares on God because he cares for us.

You are not alone in your shock or grief. Try to find a PFOX organization in your area where you can talk with others in the same situation. PFOX stands for Parents and friends of exgays; a nonprofit organization.

Decide not to let this situation tear your family apart. We serve a God who is bigger than this and anything else we can face. Jesus said, With God nothing is impossible. Believe in those words and ask God for guidance. It's not the end of the world, and contrary to popular belief, a person can choose not to be gay just as well as they can choose to be gay. Let them know where you stand and get on with your life.   I have found that parents are in the most pain because of the decisions their child has made to become active in the homosexual lifestyle.  Mighty through God Ministries is available to talk to your group or organization about this subject. Please feel free to contact us by email, or snail mail through our contact page. 

     Please stay tuned for more information. 

  See Youth for Christ's Resources and Tips for Parents.Click Here